Pseudomugil: an ideal fish for your freshwater aquarium

By Morgane

IN SHORT Pseudomugil: A freshwater aquarium fish native to New Guinea and Australia. Popular species: Pseudomugil luminatus, Pseudomugil gertrudae, Pseudomugil signifer. Habits: Schooling fish, living in groups – ideally 10 to 15 individuals. Aquarium: Minimum 60 to 80 liters, dense vegetation. The water: pH from 5.2 to 7.2, with optimal breeding around 7. Behavior: Peaceful…

Angelfish: tips for successful breeding in aquaristics

By Morgane

IN BRIEF Water Temperature Maintain between 26°C and 28°C Water pH Encourage a pH between 6.5 and 7.0 Water Hardness Between 3 to 8 dGH Aquarium Volume Minimum of 300 liters, ideally 500 liters Water Height More than 35 cm Decor and Substrate Provide a spawning slate and a clear area Behavior To be kept…

Rasbora: tips for a harmonious aquarium

By Morgane

IN SHORT Scientific name Trigonostigma heteromorpha Schooling behavior Keep at least 15 individuals in a minimum 60-liter aquarium (for 80 cm front width) Food Accepts dried foods but requires regular input of live food Compatibility Can live harmoniously with other cyprinids such as Cherry Barbs, Corydoras, and Cardinal Tetras Behavior Peaceful and social, they bring…