Understand the profession of horseback riding instructor: skills and responsibilities

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Mission To convey equestrian techniques to audiences of varying levels, from beginners to competitive riders. Required Skills Good level of riding (gallop level 7), teaching skills, and knowledge in ethology. Responsibilities Plan, teach, coach, and organize equestrian activities. Ensure pedagogical coordination and skill development for students. Necessary Qualities Versatility, interpersonal skills, and a…

Maréchal-ferrant: a craftsman profession serving horses

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Farrier The farrier is a craftsman specialized in the care of hooves. Trimming He provides trimming, which means maintaining and caring for the horn of the hooves of equines and sometimes bovines. Shoeing He performs shoes: manufacturing and fitting custom-made shoes to protect the hooves. Cares He also takes care to monitor the…

Manadier, a profession of passion

By Moïse

IN SHORT The manadier is a breeder of bulls and Camargue horses. This profession is deeply rooted in passion and tradition. The manadiers work in places called manades, typical of the Camargue. The role of the manadier includes creating the best conditions for the proper development of the herd. Becoming a manadier requires a strong…

Le métier de conducteur de chevaux : entre passion et compétences

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Job Title Horse Driver Required Skills High availability Excellent physical condition Good lifestyle hygiene (especially for galloping and trotting) Types of Work Daily training and riding of racehorses Active participation in the equestrian world Fundamental Passion Intense passion for horses and nature Necessary Training Specialized training in equine science or animal care Human…

De l’écurie à la santé : découvrir le métier d’aide-soignant pour chevaux

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Definition The equine caregiver is a professional who takes care of the well-being and health of horses in a stable. Main responsibilities Ensure feeding and watering. Perform daily care and maintenance of the stable. Monitor the health of the horses and identify symptoms of diseases. Necessary skills Knowledge of equine anatomy. Ability to…

Devenir horse inspector: an unknown profession serving equine welfare

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Title Horse Inspector Mission Ensure equine welfare and monitor compliance with care and hygiene standards for equids Required Skills In-depth knowledge of equine behavior, ability to observe and analyze Training Specialized training in equine-related professions, some require a range from CAP to master’s Opportunities Available positions in equestrian centers, stables, and animal protection…

Le métier de dresseur de chevaux : compétences, techniques et défis quotidiennes

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Skills Mastery of training techniques Ability to establish a climate of trust with the horse Concern for the welfare of equines Effective teamwork Strong knowledge of basic care Techniques Use of methods to eliminate fear in the horse Encouragement of the animal’s curiosity Setting the stage for the horse-rider duo Daily Challenges Manage…

Understand the role of an equestrian coach: a comprehensive guide to this exciting profession

By Moïse

IN BRIEF The equestrian coach ensures the training and coaching of the riders. Sets sports goals for competitions. Develops work programs and physical conditioning. Acts as a mediator during equicoaching sessions, interpreting the interactions between the horse and the trainee. Requires attentive listening to enhance the potential of each horse. Includes manual techniques to assess…

The profession of horse groom: between horse care and stable management

By Moïse

IN BRIEF The groom is a versatile professional. Responsible for the daily care of horses. Maintains the stables. In charge of ration distribution and hay. Performs the grooming of horses daily. Monitors the physical condition of the horses. Reports any injuries or health issues. Can progress to a position as a stable manager. Requires knowledge…

De rider to instructor: understanding the facets of the equestrian profession

By Moïse

IN BRIEF – Exploration of the equestrian world: the transition from rider to instructor – Equestrian professions: from groom to professional rider – Role of the equestrian activities instructor: teaching horse riding and managing the stables – Importance of training: State diploma BPJEPS in equestrian activities – Essential qualities for an instructor: understanding of horses…

9 gifts for an equestrian enthusiast

By Morgane

Knowing how to ride and control a horse was an essential necessity for moving a little faster. Today, it’s more a matter of culture or passion. Given the rarity of horseback riding outside of a few regions of the world, one might wonder how to please someone passionate about this field. What can you offer…

Comment to clean the hooves of horses?

By Morgane

Les hoofs of horses can be difficult to clean, but it is not a lost cause. It is possible to do it effectively by yourself or to use the services of a farrier for this equestrian maintenance task. Here are some easy and effective animal care tips that you can use to clean your horse’s…

Le métier de soigneur équin : un engagement passionné pour le bien-être des chevaux

By Moïse

IN BRIEF Name: Equine Caretaker (or Groom-Caretaker) Responsibilities: Cleaning stables, caring for horses, managing the well-being and health of equines Skills: Passion for horses, knowledge of equine care, dedication to animal welfare Training: CAP Equine Caretaker, specific training in equine care Work environment: Breeding farms, stables, equestrian centers Salary: Variable depending on experience and employer…

Les bases de l’équitation : How to start safely

By Morgane

The horse is a fascinating discipline that attracts many people eager to create a unique bond with horses while enjoying the physical and mental benefits it offers. However, like any activity, it is essential to start well, especially to ensure the safety of the rider and the horse. This article will guide you through the…