Scientific name | Trigonostigma heteromorpha |
Schooling behavior | Keep at least 15 individuals in a minimum 60-liter aquarium (for 80 cm front width) |
Food | Accepts dried foods but requires regular input of live food |
Compatibility | Can live harmoniously with other cyprinids such as Cherry Barbs, Corydoras, and Cardinal Tetras |
Behavior | Peaceful and social, they bring color and harmony to a community aquarium |
Water parameters | Resilient, they adapt well to a wide range of water parameters |
Observation | Monitor for signs of stress or illness, such as spitting out food |
To create a harmonious and colorful aquarium, the choice of fish is crucial. Among popular options, the Rasbora, often known as the Harlequin Rasbora or Trigonostigma heteromorpha, stands out for its beauty and peaceful nature. Since they live in schools, it is recommended to keep at least 15 individuals in a minimum 60-liter aquarium. Adding natural plants and ensuring compatibility with other fish such as Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Corydoras guarantees a serene and balanced cohabitation.
Rasboras are popular aquarium fish appreciated for their elegant appearance and peaceful behavior. This article will provide you with all the necessary tips to create a harmonious environment for your Rasboras, including compatible fish species, water conditions, feeding, and the necessary equipment for their well-being.
Creating the Perfect Environment for Rasboras
The Rasboras, such as the Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha), are known for their colorful appearance and peaceful nature. Schooling is essential for these fish, so it is recommended to keep at least 15 individuals in an aquarium of at least 60 liters with a front space of 80 cm.
Water Conditions
Rasboras prefer soft and slightly acidic water, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. A water temperature between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius is ideal. Regular water testing is essential to maintain these parameters and ensure an optimal environment for your fish.
Necessary Equipment
A good filtration system is crucial to keep the water clean and healthy. Use a filter suitable for the size of your aquarium and ensure regular water changes. Natural plants are also recommended as they provide hiding spots and reduce fish stress. Lighting should be soft and not exceed eight hours a day.
Compatibility with Other Fish
The Rasboras can peacefully coexist with many other fish species, like Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Corydoras. However, avoid aggressive fish or those with long, flowing fins, as they can become potential targets.
For more details, you can refer to this guide on Neon Tetra which provides excellent information on fish compatibility.
Examples of Compatible Fish
Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Corydoras are among the best options for a community aquarium with Rasboras. These fish are not only peaceful but also share similar living conditions.
Feeding Rasboras
The Rasboras are omnivores and should be fed with a variety of foods to stay healthy. They accept dried foods, but regular input of live or frozen food is recommended. This includes daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms.
Frequency and Quantity
Feed your Rasboras two to three times a day in small amounts. Ensure that all food is consumed within a few minutes to avoid polluting the water. A varied diet will ensure your fish receive all the nutrients they need.
Monitoring and Care of Rasboras
Regularly observe your Rasboras for any signs of stress or illness. Changes in color, rapid breathing, or lethargic behavior may indicate problems. Perform regular water tests and make partial water changes to maintain a healthy environment.
Signs of Well-Being
Healthy Rasboras will be active, have bright colors, and eat well. They often swim in groups and actively explore their environment. Make sure to provide them with hiding spots and plants to help them feel secure.
For specific species advice, consult the guide on Bettas, which also offers valuable information on the care of aquarium fish.
Breeding Rasboras
Breeding Rasboras can be challenging, but with the right conditions, it is quite possible. Slightly acidic water, stable temperature, and adequate feeding are essential to encourage breeding.
Nest Preparation
Rasboras usually lay their eggs on the underside of broad-leaved plants. Prepare a space with such plants to facilitate this process. Remove the adults after spawning to prevent them from eating the eggs.
By following these tips, you can create a harmonious aquarium and a healthy environment for your Rasboras and other compatible fish.

Positive Points
- Harlequin Rasboras can live harmoniously with other calm cyprinids.
- They add color and harmony to a community aquarium.
- Social, they provide an animated display when they swim in schools.
- Accept dried foods and prefer regular live foods.
- Suitable for a minimum 60-liter aquarium with 80 cm front width.
Negative Points
- Flowing fins of other fish may attract their attention.
- Need a minimum number of 15 individuals to feel comfortable.
- There may be tensions despite efforts for a harmonious aquarium.
- Sometimes spits out food if too stressed or ill.
- Compatibility with other species requires careful study to avoid poor companions.
Tips for a Harmonious Aquarium with Rasboras
The Rasboras, these small elegant and peaceful fish, are a wonderful addition to any community aquarium. To ensure a harmonious and healthy life, it is advisable to follow some valuable tips. Firstly, make sure to keep at least 15 individuals in a minimum 60-liter aquarium. These fish like to live in schools, and meeting this requirement is essential for their well-being.
Another crucial aspect is water quality. While Rasboras are quite resilient, they prefer soft and slightly acidic water. So make sure to regularly monitor the water parameters and perform weekly water changes to maintain an optimal environment. A varied diet is also necessary. In addition to dried foods, occasional input of live food will be beneficial.
In terms of cohabitation, Rasboras are compatible with a variety of other calm fish such as Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Corydoras. However, it is important to be cautious with fish that have long, flowing fins, as Rasboras may be tempted to nip at them. A well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and floating plants will also contribute to their well-being.
To avoid any aggressive behavior or tensions, ensure that the aquarium is spacious enough and well arranged. Adding some decor, such as rocks or driftwood, can help create distinct territories and reduce your fish’s stress. Finally, regularly observe your Rasboras for any abnormal behavior. A fish that spits out its food, for example, may be a sign of illness or stress.
By following these simple recommendations, you can enjoy a harmonious and colorful aquarium, where Rasboras will have all the space and conditions necessary to thrive. Good luck and most importantly, enjoy the wonderful aquatic display that these small fish can offer!
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Rasboras
What is the minimum aquarium volume for Harlequin Rasboras?
As schooling fish, it is advisable to keep at least 15 individuals in a minimum 60-liter aquarium (for 80 cm front width).
Which fish are compatible with Harlequin Rasboras?
Cherry Barbs and Rasboras are good for a community aquarium. They can coexist with Cardinal Tetras, Guppies, and even shrimp.
What food is suitable for Harlequin Rasboras?
In aquariums, Harlequin Rasboras will accept appropriately sized dried foods, although regular input of live food is recommended.
What are the most resilient aquarium fish in warm water?
Fish like Guppies, Neon Tetras, Betta fish, and Corydoras (Aeneus and Paleatus) are known for their robustness and adaptability in warm water.
Can Rasboras live in hard water?
Rasboras prefer soft to slightly acidic water. It is important to regularly check the water parameters to ensure they are within these fish’s comfort zone.
What to do if a Rasbora spits out its food?
The fish may have difficulties digesting the food, either due to stress or a change in diet. Ensure that you provide quality and appropriately sized food for it.
How to tell if my Rasboras are happy in the aquarium?
Happy Rasboras will be active, swim in schools, and display bright colors. Regular feeding and a stable environment will contribute to their well-being.