Conseils animaliers en ligne » Riding » Comment to clean the hooves of horses?
Les hoofs of horses can be difficult to clean, but it is not a lost cause. It is possible to do it effectively by yourself or to use the services of a farrier for this equestrian maintenance task. Here are some easy and effective animal care tips that you can use to clean your horse’s hooves.

How to clean horse hooves?

Horse hooves are difficult to clean because they are wide, and it can be hard to find the right angle and reach the hooves with your arm. But this is not necessarily the case. Here are 5 ways for a rider to clean the undersides of the hooves of equines :

1-Rubbing alcohol

Just rub a little rubbing alcohol on your horse’s hoof, then take a soft cloth and wipe it off. This not only removes dirt from the hoof but also helps to keep it healthy by eliminating bacteria.

2-Soap and water

Just like rubbing alcohol, soap also helps to remove dirt. Just make sure to use a mild soap like dish soap, then rinse thoroughly with water before drying the hoof.

3-Use a hoof scraper

A hoof scraper is a tool that can be used to clean horse hooves. There are many models and sizes of scrapers, but most are made of plastic, and all are fully reusable.

4-Use a hoof brush

You can also use a hoof brush to clean your horse’s hooves. Hoof brushes are practically identical to hoof scrapers, except they tend to be smaller and lighter, and they generally have fewer bristles on top.

5-A mixture of hydrogen peroxide, flour, milk, and vinegar

Use a mixture like the one below to form a paste on your hands that will allow you to more easily access the dirt under your horse’s nails during cleaning. When the paste is dry, just remove it with a brush before giving water to your horse.

The animals concerned with hoof cleaning are much more numerous than just the horse:

  • the horse (thoroughbred, tourist, farm…)

  • the pony (mini-pony, shetland…)

  • in zoos, one can also mention care for the giraffe, zebra, buffalo, etc…

The best way to clean your horse’s hooves

The best way to clean your horse’s feet is to use a hoof scraper. You should gently run down along its leg and then grab the back of its leg so it lifts its foot as naturally as possible backward. This allows you to access the bottom part of the hoof. Then, with the horse’s hoof scraper, scrape what is called the frog, a V-shape that creates the cavity of the hoof. Once the frog of the hoof is free from impurities, you should brush the entire hoof with the brush or blade depending on the difficulty of removing the dirt.

Do not forget to grease the hoof with an appropriate grease or nutrient like Norwegian tar which helps take care of the horse’s frogs. It is advisable to maintain it with an ointment or cream that helps moisturize and lubricate the hoof frog to prevent crusts and cracks.

best technique to clean a horse hoof

Another option is to go to your farrier

A farrier is a specialist who trims and shoes horse hooves. It is best to regularly consult a farrier to maintain your horse’s hooves, as they can help keep them healthy and comfortable.

It is important to keep your horse’s hooves healthy, both for its comfort and safety. When hooves are not properly trimmed or shaped, they can be a source of discomfort for the horse (pain or inflammation) and can also lead to dangerous problems (tripping or slipping). Some common issues that can arise if a horse’s hooves are not properly maintained include: lameness, thrush, contracted heels, white line disease, and navicular syndrome. Therefore, it is worth regularly consulting your farrier.

Why is it important to clean a horse’s hooves?

It is important to regularly clean a horse’s hooves because they can become very dirty, and if they are not cleaned properly, dirt can cause pain, a buildup of ointment, excessive wear, abscesses, rot, and mud crusts. Furthermore, if a horse’s hooves are not kept clean and dry, they can become very dry and cracked.

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